Our Beliefs
What We Believe
- The first purpose and priority of the Church is to win souls to Christ.
- God loves the unsaved, and His love in us should cause us to reach out to them.
- God gives Pastors after His own heart and leads through such anointed leadership.
- Anointed preaching and teaching are God’s primary means to transforming lives.
- Praise and prayer are powerful and are essential elements in the life of every believer.
- The Word of God is without error and reveals God’s will to those who prayerfully pursue it through study.
- The Anointing makes the difference in all that we do for the cause of Christ.
- Excellence and harmony honor God, and all of His children should seek both.
- Accepting Jesus is the beginning of a life-long journey of continuous growth into Christ-likeness.
- Every believer is to be a minister of reconciliation and should seek the lost as well as a right relationship with fellow saints.
- Our youth are as much the Church of today as they are the Church of tomorrow, and we must invest in their growth and development.
- Personal commitment to give generously of our time, talent, and treasure is part of being a Christian.
- Only those who prove to be faithful to God and this local assembly (demonstrated through active participation in worship, Bible study, and financial stewardship) are to participate in planning and decision-making matters.